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5 Benefits of a Construction Scheduling Software

Setting up and maintaining construction schedules is one of the most complex and important tasks you have to take care of in your business. 

Every construction project consists of many separate tasks done by multiple independent Builder, Supplier, Contractor and Trade teams. Sequencing these tasks, and ensuring each team has everything it needs for theirs, is critical to meeting deadlines, maintaining quality, using resources efficiently, operating safely, and keeping your profit margins healthy. Multiply the process by all of the projects on your plate and it’s clear that most Home Builders can benefit from the features of effective construction scheduling software. 

1. Sync all teams 

As we pointed out, every construction project involves a lot of different teams, in addition to your own — Trades such as electrical, plumbing, drywall, landscaping, etc. plus equipment and materials Suppliers. The best residential construction project scheduling software should facilitate communication among all these parties on a single platform.

You and your Suppliers should be able to view construction schedules and related details within the scheduling software at any time. With a single point of access for everyone, you will all be on the same page, with the same information. You know how critical this can be. One team with the wrong or outdated information can throw an entire project off schedule. 

By using your construction scheduling software to enter and distribute purchase orders with pertinent job detail information and change orders as they come out, you can provide identical information to all parties from a project’s start to finish.

2. Improve collaboration

An effective scheduling system offers true digital end-to-end collaboration with your Suppliers, Contractors and Trades, so your supply chain and workflow management can be seamless. 

Construction scheduling software that is connected directly to Supplier order entry systems can ensure that orders are received promptly, with full details.

When scheduling changes occur, everyone can be notified at once, enabling every affected team to plan and adjust their own activities to maintain productivity and an optimal workflow. This can mean the difference between missing an important deadline and meeting it. Your team and your Suppliers work most efficiently when they’re working together.

3. Communicate in real time

Construction scheduling software can ensure that Information is exchanged in real-time. When changes are made, tasks completed or data entered, everyone is informed instantly. You can shorten the timeframe of projects and minimize potential cost overruns by eliminating the lag-time involved in updating each and every stakeholder by phone, email or physical delivery.

4. Facilitate just-in-time delivery

Improved collaboration between you and your Suppliers can help ensure that materials arrive exactly when and where you want them. You eliminate worries about materials delivered too soon, including how to store them and protect them from exposure and theft. You avoid work delays caused by late deliveries. Crews won’t be on site waiting around for materials to arrive; they can be working productively on another project. 

5. Avoid misunderstandings with transparency

Construction scheduling software produces clear digital records, saved in the cloud and accessible to you and your Suppliers, Contractors and Trades. Miscommunication and misunderstandings can cost time and money and erode good working relationships. The transparency and accuracy of digital records accessible to all through a single platform is an effective way to solve many problems before they even start, including discrepancies and disagreements over orders, assignments, estimates, scheduling, change orders, delivery dates, pricing, invoicing, etc. 

Explore The Benefits of Construction Scheduling Software with Hyphen’s BuildPro  

BuildPro connects Home Builders with Suppliers, Contractors and Trades on a single platform. It takes residential construction scheduling and supply chain management online, providing real-time information with accuracy and efficiency. You can execute home-build projects in less time with less effort than ever before by using BuildPro to receive and approve bids, schedule Suppliers and approve purchase orders. 

BuildPro Scheduling is expandable to include electronic SWPPP, lien release management, inspections, bidding and more. Plus, Document Manager within BuildPro empowers Builders to digitally centralize and organize all construction-related documents on the same platform they use for scheduling. 

Learn more about Hyphen’s BuildPro solution by talking to our experts and schedule a demo today. 

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