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Pacific Coast Builders Conference 2019

The Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC) is the largest home building trade show representing the West Coast. Hyphen Solutions will be there in San Francisco this year on May 30 and 31 at the Moscone Center South. If you’re a builder or a supplier, we recommend you join us as we learn from best-practice case studies and hear about game-changing ideas and innovation in the home building industry. PCBC is a great way to learn from industry leaders to network and to see the latest innovations in homebuilding product and service solutions via the exhibit floor.

Attending PCBC is one way our development team learns about key enhancements we want to make as new features for our products.

Our team is eager to be inspired by this year’s PCBC keynote speakers, and we believe you’ll benefit as well:

1. Sekou Andrews. Learn about poetic voice and what it has to do with leading an organization. Andrews is an actor, musician, and two-time national poetry slam champion who has inspired brands, including Google, Viacom, Microsoft, Nike, Time Warner, and the NBA.

2. Alison Levine. Levine served as team captain of the first American women’s Everest expedition, skied to the North and South Poles, and climbed the highest peak on each continent. Levine teaches “how progress can be made going backward, why egos are a good thing, how complacency can kill you, and how to make crucial decisions on the spot when the conditions around you are far from perfect.”

Stop by booth No. 2026 or schedule a meeting with a member of our team from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the conference to learn more about why Hyphen’s products are the most widely used software-as-a-service applications among North American home builders as well as their suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers. We’ll also be at the NAHB VIP Builder Party, an event we’re proud to sponsor.

Learn more about PCBC and register online for the conference today.

Hyphen provides more than 60,000 builders, installers, and manufacturers with industry-leading supply chain scheduling, procurement, and collaboration solutions. Hyphen’s SaaS applications deliver greater operational control, better communications, and increased productivity for both home builders and their building partners.

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