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5 Ways Field Management Software Can Help You Schedule, Communicate and Manage Construction Projects On the Go               

As Builders and Suppliers, you and your team spend much of your time on job sites rather than in the office. So, how can you organize and manage your team and their tasks effectively, without being stuck in the office yourself? How can you communicate with your crews directly and in real time, informing them about changes in schedules, assignments or orders, without the worry of lost information or delays? How can your people in the field easily inform you about problems they run into, with photographic evidence? 

These are important challenges that Suppliers, Contractors and Trades face on every project. A mobile app for field management can solve these challenges by ensuring you’re always able to manage projects and communicate effectively with your team whenever and from wherever you really need to be — in the office, in the field, or even at home. 

How Field Service Management Apps Can Help 

Field management software with mobile capabilities can streamline your field operations with multiple benefits. 

1. Real-time integrated interactions

Clearly, builders’ orders are critical to your operations. The last thing you want is to have orders and changes waiting for you back at the office while you are handling issues in the field. Any delay in receiving information can create project delays, mistakes, and additional problems. With a mobile field management app, you can receive builders’ orders and changes as they send them and respond immediately, handling these important interactions in real time.

2. Task and order management anywhere, anytime

When you receive orders from builders, your field service management app should allow you not only to respond to the builder, but also to make the arrangements needed to fulfill those orders. You should be able to easily assign tasks such as measuring, installation and quality checks to specific employees or crews and instantly alert them to these assignments through the software as well. That reduces the worry that tasks will be missed because no one realized they were supposed to do them.

3. Scheduling and rescheduling on the go

With mobile-friendly field management software, you can also create or revise task and crew schedules through your cell phone or tablet and automatically inform your team and stakeholders. This keeps the entire team aware of schedule changes at all times, minimizing miscommunications and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Now, your team won’t show up for jobs that aren’t ready for them or waste time idle when there are jobs they could be doing.

4. Error reduction

Providing mobile, up-to-date orders, tasks, and schedules eliminates the risk of errors or inconsistencies due to outdated information. The “old” color of paint that the homeowner no longer wants won’t be delivered to the site or applied by your crew. Your crew won’t be standing around on Tuesday waiting on another trade who won’t be finished until Wednesday. With mobile field management software, you can complete projects faster without sacrificing work quality.

5. On-site photo tagging

Team members at your job site can take photos in a mobile field management app and connect them with individual tasks. You’ll get clear chronicling of when tasks are complete, with visual confirmation. You’ll have proof as to why deadlines had to be pushed back, when that happens, and you’ll have evidence of job site status in the event of an accident. 

6. Inclusive transparency

Team members that have access to the big picture of a project tend to feel more involved and empowered. This leads to proven increases in worker satisfaction and productivity. Providing a mobile task calendar that covers the entire project is an easy way to show every team member how their part fits into the whole. Allowing them to input important information directly into the app and share it with you and other stakeholders increases positive involvement.

Effectively Schedule, Communicate and Manage Construction Projects with SupplyPro Field Management Services 

Hyphen Solutions created the SupplyPro Field Management Services (FMS) mobile app to streamline the way you manage field operations and unchain you from your desk, while empowering your employees. Approximately 1 out of every 3 new homes built in the U.S. already relies on Hyphen Solutions’ products. Learn more about how SupplyPro FMS can help you manage and grow your business by scheduling a demo today.

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