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How To Create A More Efficient Back-Office Solution 

Multiple, Disconnected Departments Utilizing Separate Software 

Most home builders today understand that technology can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of many of their back-office functions. However, technology decisions are often made on a departmental level, with each department looking out for its own needs. This can result in the implementation of multiple, disconnected software systems within one company. There may be a system for accounting, another for estimating and yet another for project management.

Trying to implement multiple back-office software systems can compound the struggles of learning and adopting technology. Some users will need to learn multiple systems, and users who know only one system will be limited in their ability to help with other tasks or even understand how those tasks need to interact with their own.

Instead of simplifying and streamlining operations, staff may actually feel as if technology is complicating their jobs.  

Information Is Stored In Multiple Places & Creates Inefficiencies 

With multiple stand-alone systems, you can also face another challenge — the difficulties of transferring vital data from one application to another. How is material tracking linked to purchasing and ultimately to accounting? How does the information on work hours in a project management file get transferred to payroll? Are estimates to be found only in the estimating system or are they accessible to anyone from a document management program?

Information from disconnected software often must be transferred using complicated protocols or manual data entry. This opens the door for inefficiency, errors and even fraud. However, not transferring and communicating information throughout the company can be an even worse problem. Job delays, cost overruns and lost profits are common results when information isn’t shared accurately and immediately during a building project. 

Scattered information creates another challenge, as well. In today’s competitive market, business success can depend on data-driven action. Multiple software systems hinder the gathering and analysis of data you need to make informed decisions that can drive your business forward. 

Streamline The Back-Office With One Software Solution 

To streamline your back-office and protect your profitability, you need a modern enterprise resource platform (ERP) solution at the heart of your back-office operation. ERP systems are designed to create a common platform, or home base, to integrate with other systems. 

If you are a production home builder, Hyphen Solutions’ BRIX, a fully integrated construction ERP software with accounting, may be an effective solution for you. It effectively ties all your back-office functions together on a single platform that is easy-to-use and browser-accessible. BRIX allows you to track each home from start to finish, providing real-time visibility into the details of functions including purchasing, job costing, production, general ledger, accounts payable, sales, scheduling, financial reports and payroll.

BRIX provides one single location from which to view all of your important business data. But simply viewing data shouldn’t be your end game. You can take the next step with informXL’s Excel-based business intelligence platform, which harnesses the power of all your BRIX data and delivers true self-service reporting to your entire organization. 

Create A More Efficient Back-Office System with BRIX 

Hyphen Solutions is a forward-thinking company that partners with its clients to produce innovative home builder and supply chain solutions. As the leading cloud-based software provider in the construction management industry, we bring more than 20 years of know-how and collaborative development to the design of our BRIX ERP solution. Since 2010, BRIX software has been used to process the construction of more than 50,000 homes.

Interested in learning more about Hyphen BRIX and informXL’s Analyzer reporting system? Schedule a demo to talk to a Hyphen Solutions expert about how adopting BRIX gives you all the tools you need to build homes efficiently, sell homes quickly and enable your business to thrive and grow. 

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