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Transforming Residential Construction Management Through Integrated Platforms

Making The Case For Integrated Construction Management Tools 

You may have started with basic back-office management software when your company was young and your business volume was low. However, as you grow and need more tracking and automation in your processes, now it’s time to elevate your game in the Home Building industry and look at an ERP solution.

An ERP system designed specifically for the residential construction industry can address potential problems faced by all Home Builders:

  • Team members with inadequate, wrong or outdated information
  • Slowdowns in communication across teams, both in the office and out in the field 
  • Lack of knowledge on the progress of Subcontractors, Suppliers, etc.
  • Scheduling mistakes
  • Incorrect material orders
  • Divergence from blueprints
  • And so on..

These problems cause delays and cost overages. They definitely impact profits. An ERP promotes stronger communication between the field and office staff for earlier issue awareness and quicker, more effective solutions.

For example, what if your homebuyer asks for a change in their design like a larger master bath or a wraparound porch? You need to write a change order, update the blueprints, change the budget, alter the materials order, contact your subs, reschedule some trades and make sure the client understands what to expect from the new schedule. How many pieces of software or manual tasks does this one change require? Five? Seven? More? 

With an ERP system, all of these tasks can be done on the same platform. And everyone with access to the platform—in-house staff, Subcontractors, Suppliers and homebuyers—will be notified in real-time and work with the same updated information. You won’t find that you have too little tile to complete the bathroom or that your plumbing contractor hasn’t finished his work before the tile contractor arrives. You won’t find a cost overrun at the end because the budget wasn’t corrected, or get a call from your homebuyer that the moving van is scheduled for the week before completion. 

Explore ERP Solutions With Hyphen 

Hyphen offers two ERP systems to suit the needs of every Home Builder and enable you to connect with software that can upgrade the functions most critical to your business. 

BRIX is an all-in-one cloud-based residential construction ERP with accounting. This fully integrated platform offers access to the most efficient solutions available, no matter how many projects you handle each year. BRIX lets you control job costing, purchasing, accounting, production and more. 

Hyphen HomeFront is a fully integrated on-premise residential construction ERP for companies that build 50 to 1,000 homes per year. It helps you efficiently manage processes from sales selections and contracts to estimating and purchasing, to service and warranty, all in one system and offers integration with popular accounting software such as QuickBooks, Sage and Xero.

Download our Definitive ERP Solution Checklist to determine which ERP platform is the right solution for your business. Then learn more about Hyphen’s broad selection of modules and integrated software that can help you upgrade any or all of your operational functions download Hyphen’s Step-By-Step Guide To Building A Stronger Business with Home Builder Management Software. Or schedule a demo to talk to a Hyphen Solutions expert today. 

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