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How To Effectively Facilitate & Manage Residential Service Jobs With Construction Management Software 

Managing Service Calls From Builders & Home Owners In Multiple Software Platforms Creates A Disconnect 

Your business may include warranty and service calls as well as new construction projects. You probably think of these two types of work as very different — and in some ways they are. This often leads Suppliers, Contractors and Trades to manage these different job types on different software platforms. 

However, this can prevent you from making your communications and operations truly efficient. If you manage your new construction work on an integrated platform that is also easily accessible to Home Builders and homeowners, you benefit in multiple ways: 

  • Information is shared with the entire team — Home Builders, Suppliers, Contractors and Trades and, potentially, home buyers
  • Everyone is in the loop and capable of responding effectively and efficiently when changes need to be made
  • With real-time exchange of information, no one is waiting around to learn what they need to know

Using multiple software platforms may cause you to lose these benefits for warranty and service work. Managing service calls from builders and homeowners in a different software system than your install orders and new construction jobs is likely to create a disconnect among the stakeholders that can result in job delays or customer dissatisfaction. 

Multiple Platform Usage Makes It Harder To Find Relevant Information Needed For Available Jobs

Using multiple platforms will inevitably slow down the process and add additional unnecessary steps. When you are called on to perform warranty or service work in a home you have previously worked on, all the information needed to complete the task should be available at your fingertips. That will save you time and money in setting up and completing the job. But where is that information and how easy is it to retrieve?

How do you find that original information? How is it designated? How do you connect the original Builder’s file and a new homeowner’s file? The relevant information may be hard or simply time-consuming to find. Even once you’ve found it, you may need to manually transfer it into the software you use for warranty and service work. Manual data entry is time consuming and can lead to delays and errors.

Incorporate A Single-System Software To Facilitate & Manage Jobs 

A single-system solution like Supplypro GM can manage all the work you do, from initial installs and punch-out items to warranty and service jobs. When the homeowner takes possession of the house, you can easily transition the builder file with relevant references and history to a home owner file to manage the new relationship. Then, whenever you need it, you have all the relevant information filed by home owner name and easily accessible. You gain a head start on your service work, effortlessly.

SupplyPro GM not only has tools for tracking service calls, but also for managing preventive maintenance schedules and recurring billing. Plus, whether you are sending service techs out 6 months or 2 years after an install, your people will have access to specific equipment and installation details, a service history, notes, even photos, all right from their phone. 

Effectively Facilitate & Manage Residential Construction Jobs With SupplyPro GM  

SupplyPro GM is a complete construction project management software system from Hyphen Solutions. It is designed specifically for Suppliers, Contractors and Trades and is customizable to fit your business needs and help you execute jobs efficiently. It can not only make you a better partner to your Builders, but can also help you grow your business with efficient warranty and service work. To learn more, schedule a demo today.

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