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BuildPro Feature

Land Management in BuildPro

Land Management in BuildPro (or Progress Pay as it is referred to in BuildPro), is designed to facilitate Trade payments based on project progress. This feature is essential for managing large-scale projects with significant POs spanning months or years, ensuring effective cost management and project oversight.

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Progress Pay

Streamline Your Land Development Process

Land Management simplifies the management of large-scale progress-based payments to Trades over extended periods, enabling efficient development of homesite lots while ensuring real-time collaboration and transparency through BuildPro's communication portal, SupplyPro.

Standardize Land Management Workflow

Standardize Partial Payment Workflow

Provide and Receive Real-Time Visibility and PO History

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Enhance the Process of Transforming Land into Functional Communities

BuildPro’s Land Management integrates tightly with BuildPro’s scheduling, purchase order management, and communications. It provides construction managers in land development with tailored benefits, simplifying large-scale progress-based payments to Trades for efficient homesite lot development with real-time collaboration through SupplyPro.

  • Verify consistent partial payment workflow.
  • Provide comprehensive reporting and transparency to Builders, Trade partners, and Trades.
  • Automate approval processes for increased efficiency.
  • Streamline payment processes with automation.
  • Simplify lien processes with automated management.
  • Utilize back-office AutoPay feature for seamless payments.
  • Generate electronic lien waivers for all Trade partners associated with purchase orders.

Ready to see how Hyphen Solutions can support your business?

The easiest way to see if Land Management in BuildPro is right for you is to schedule a quick demo with one of our solutions experts.

Please fill out the form and a sales representative will contact you shortly.

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