How To Efficiently Manage A High Volume of Orders Processed In Home Inspection

High Volume of Orders With Small Margins
As a home inspection contractor, your pace and volume of jobs is unique in the residential construction industry. While other trades’ jobs take days or weeks, yours may take only hours. This means that, to be a successful business, you have to deal with a very high volume of construction work orders to fill your schedule. Given the tight margins in the inspection business today, each and every order needs to result in as little expense and as much profit as possible, to build enough revenue for your business to grow and thrive.
Lack of Efficient Processes
Clearly, productivity and efficiency are critical to your business. To optimize your operations, it’s important to focus on time-consuming pieces of the process. These include new order processing; scheduling and dispatching; and order completion.
Without automation, construction work order processing can eat up resources as staff members struggle to keep up with manual data entry — recording and classifying new jobs by type, location, etc. to get them ready to assign.
The process of assigning and scheduling inspections is also critical. It directly affects the productivity of your inspectors. Are you scheduling them so they have little downtime during their day but enough time to drive comfortably between one job and the next? Are you minimizing the distance each inspector must travel? Are they taking the shortest route between jobs? Driving too far, getting lost, or waiting around for the next appointment means time — and profit — lost.
For you, order completion involves not only finishing each inspection but preparing reports of the results. Paper-based reporting can be arduous, time-consuming and prone to errors. It’s hard to impress clients with reports that are difficult to understand or take days to deliver.
Incorporate An Easy-To-Use Software
The best solution for all of these issues is software designed specifically for the residential construction industry and easy-to-use for both your office staff and field inspectors. It should include features beneficial for your home inspection business, including:
- Automatic entry of orders and changes
- Easy scheduling for multiple inspectors with multiple appointments per day
- Dispatching with route planning
- Mobile app with customizable inspection checklists and forms, photos, customizable report templates, etc.
- PDF document creation from completed inspection forms
- Direct and immediate submittal of inspection reports to all parties, as completed
Effectively Manage Your Orders With SupplyPro GM
SupplyPro GM is cloud-based construction software that enables you to manage residential projects from work order creation through approvals and payments, with visibility and consistency. Feature-rich and built for mobility, this effective contractor and supplier software gives you real-time information and control in every part of your Inspection business, so you can increase productivity, profits and builder satisfaction.
Learn more about how SupplyPro GM can help you manage your Inspection business more effectively or schedule a demo today.